Saturday, July 12, 2008

Somewhere Over the Rainbow

We live in the midwest, and most everyone knows we've been bombarded with rain. Last night we got an additional 2-3 inches, they say. I'm getting really, really tired of the rain. Our drainage ditch looks like a rushing river. But there are advantages to these storms. We witnessed it two days ago. We were at our pastor's house planning an event. It was about 8:30 or 9:00pm and, as usual, it had been raining and storming something awful. But here we were planning this event when someone shouted "A rainbow!!". We all bounced up, and ran outside to look. Not one but TWO, FULL RAINBOWS. One of the rainbows was in bright, brilliant colors. The other was next to it, a little more faded, but clearly there. And I'm here as a witness that I know exactly where the pot of gold is because the rainbow landed at the house up the street from where we stood.
I've got two daughters who were with us at the time. One is 3, and the other is 8. Just last week we finished painting their room. One of the things we painted was a huge, colorful rainbow; so my daughters were especially excited to witness their first full rainbow in the sky. This morning my youngest daughter, Melody, told me she wanted to see the rainbow again. Only this time she wanted to ride it. Oh, to have the heart and the mind of a child! I told her that I'd like to ride it too (without going into detail on how difficult it might be to actually ride on colors of light in the sky. For now, we'll just dream of the possibilities.) My oldest daughter, Carly, is intent on finding that pot of gold now that we saw where the rainbow landed.
I'm just thankful that with all this rain, God always gives us a glimmer of Himself through it all. What a fantastic storm it was, and finished up with a fantastic rainbow! And somewhere over that rainbow, skys are blue! Someone ought to write a song about that... hmmmm. Well, I hate to tell you but it's already been done. But I found this really neat rendition of this guy singing a customized song version of Somewhere Over the Rainbow and What a Wonderful World using a ukele. Click on this link to the youtube video. I think you'll really enjoy it. (And just keep in mind that SongSqueeze is ready to customize your favorite song as well.)

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